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Showing posts from August 7, 2016

L.A. Street Scene - Jose Gonzalez

Under a southern California morning cloud canopy, Frank and me are following Nina and her boyfriend Joe up the 605 freeway to Alhambra to score some acid. Joe whips a ’64 Rambler American in and out of lanes like a fucking maniac. I do my best to keep up as he races onwards. Sometimes he’s five or six car-lengths ahead. It’s almost like he’s trying to lose us.

George Dawkins - Delacroix Late August

After work Jimmy and I walk into a student opening in the Lubalin Gallery. The place is made up like some kind of a southwestern circus with heavy rodeo overtones. Hay covers the hardwood floor and a fake wooden bull hangs from ropes dropped through the opening of a circus tent above as warped calliope music floats throughout the space.

Cala Foods - David Bergeron

“Can I have a hit?” “No!” “Can I have a hit?” “No!” “Can I have a hit?” “FUCK YOU!”

Four Poems - JD DeHart

  An Ode to Heraclitus It’s true that nothing stays the same, the lead singer taking over the former crooner’s place, learning of death on a late Friday night,

The Church - AM Spence

A frosty afternoon, in floating fog, off a main road covered by ice, both sides of grass thick with frost,

College Boy - Louis Sisto

Sammy Potts took another long, lustful look at the five beautiful numbers in his palm. He had finally fucking done it, after what seemed like an eternity of playing the lottery. He ran his free hand over his three-day stubble, creating a light burning sensation on his face; anything to clear his head momentarily. He let out a grotesque, guttural belch

Two Poems - Sonali Raj

If I were your dog If I were your dog I would begin by licking the hollow of your toes.

Local Knowledge - Peter Fraser

I was feeling strenuously polite. “Do you have a map?” “Ah. Is. Speaking. Too. Fast.”

Dry Counties et al - Carter Vance

Dry Counties When everything slips your mind past grace notes of 50 th paralells, way up over the Bloor Street splendor of gutter punk mystics dancing shoe cymbal jigs for silvery leather of policeman’s caps; how shiny with self-serious contradiction are they in atoned posture for dead

Orphan Dogs - Samuel Cole

After our final PRIDE, we (you, me and a yappy terrier named Bentley) unleashed from the SexWorld bag onto the bedspread  PRIDE’S tchotchke loot: condoms and frisbees and Blow Pops and two lime-green New Testament Gideon Bibles